

Dexter (Data EXTraction and Request but also Data EXTraction Emilia-Romagna) is a project developed to supply an user friendly interface to extract the data collected by the meteorological stations.

The software is written in Java and is composed by some servlets on the server side and by a graphical client application which can be used as an applet or as a Java WebStart application.

The meteorological stations and the variables they measure are grouped in a register. Every user has one profile which establishes which part of the register the user can see, how many records the user can extract, how many format the user can ask, how many media the user has to receive the data and so on.

Depending on the profile possible formats are:

  • Html

  • Excel

  • Png maps or chart

  • CSV text

The selection of stations and variables can be made by using a geographic map or by composing a phrase to describe the selection itself (for example "select the variable temperature for all the stations whose name contains the word "rimini").

You can read the full dexter manual for more informations.