libdvdcaeThis library accesses data file written in "dvd" (Daily Values Database) format developed by CAE. The "dvd" format is used to store the data coming from the meteorological stations. The library was originally written in C but now you can find also the Java version (and within some months also the C++ version). This format is used and has been developed by CAE to store the daily time series of meteorological variables measured by their meteorological stations. Every instrument in the station is a sensor with its own identifier. There is no association within the file between a sensor and the variabile it measures. This information can be found in another file written with another format very similar to the dvd format. The dvd file has an header with some informations about the timestamp and the reference time, an index which stores the information about data encoding for each sensor and the position of the data for each sensor and a body wich stores the data itself. I can't say more since I don't know if the format has some sort of patent or not. | |